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Shruthi Venkat

Shruthi is a designer and researcher, currently doing her master's at Delft University of Technology. As a part of her graduation thesis, she will be working with FreedomLab to explore how we can help people understand AI in context, including the implications it has for different people in everyday life, using participatory research methods. She has experience working in the fields of data visualization and speculative design; A lot of her work challenges traditional ideas of future technologies. Apart from design, she enjoys painting, writing poetry, and puzzling.

Shruthi Venkat

Shruthi is a designer and researcher, currently doing her master's at Delft University of Technology. As a part of her graduation thesis, she will be working with FreedomLab to explore how we can help people understand AI in context, including the implications it has for different people in everyday life, using participatory research methods. She has experience working in the fields of data visualization and speculative design; A lot of her work challenges traditional ideas of future technologies. Apart from design, she enjoys painting, writing poetry, and puzzling.

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