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Petra Berendrecht

Petra joined Rasile Group back in 2014, drawn by the prospect of in-depth research and trend analysis. She has a knack for arranging findings in clear and appealing ways, which gives her an edge as an Industry Researcher. Her curiosity has made her a generalist, exploring many different industry sectors in her research reports. Her research and writing skills have been honed by previous work as a knowledge manager and information specialist at a Dutch management consultancy and by her studies of the Dutch language and literature at the University of Leiden.

Petra Berendrecht

Petra joined Rasile Group back in 2014, drawn by the prospect of in-depth research and trend analysis. She has a knack for arranging findings in clear and appealing ways, which gives her an edge as an Industry Researcher. Her curiosity has made her a generalist, exploring many different industry sectors in her research reports. Her research and writing skills have been honed by previous work as a knowledge manager and information specialist at a Dutch management consultancy and by her studies of the Dutch language and literature at the University of Leiden.

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