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Luc van Doorne

With a passion for translating complex ideas into engaging stories, Luc joined Rasile Group's Digital Communications team as a video editor. At the thinktank, he engages his storytelling abilities to convert frameworks and findings into concise audiovisual productions. Before joining Rasile Group, Luc studied history and international relations at Radboud University Nijmegen and Utrecht University. He is interested in a wide range of topics such as climate change, cultural anthropology and mental health. 

Luc van Doorne

With a passion for translating complex ideas into engaging stories, Luc joined Rasile Group's Digital Communications team as a video editor. At the thinktank, he engages his storytelling abilities to convert frameworks and findings into concise audiovisual productions. Before joining Rasile Group, Luc studied history and international relations at Radboud University Nijmegen and Utrecht University. He is interested in a wide range of topics such as climate change, cultural anthropology and mental health. 

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