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Esmée van Dam

From visualizing complicated concepts to strengthening our brand identity, Esmée's responsibilities include designing research reports and newsletters, and creating still and moving images for various projects at FreedomLab and Dasym. Determined to develop herself as a graphic designer, she is concentrated on improving both her two-dimensional and three-dimensional designs, taking inspiration from art nouveau, cubism, minimalism, and well-known designers like Joey Camacho and Natalie Foss.

Esmée van Dam

From visualizing complicated concepts to strengthening our brand identity, Esmée's responsibilities include designing research reports and newsletters, and creating still and moving images for various projects at FreedomLab and Dasym. Determined to develop herself as a graphic designer, she is concentrated on improving both her two-dimensional and three-dimensional designs, taking inspiration from art nouveau, cubism, minimalism, and well-known designers like Joey Camacho and Natalie Foss.

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